The beginning of the end

Today marks my last class and final of my graduate education, and in a week and a half, I’ll be starting my integration quarter, where I’ll work (more than) full time as a midwife with the same practice I’ve been with since January. Many of my midwifery friends are calling these 8 weeks our “transition” time, which, for those in the birth world means that we’re about 8-9 cm dilated, we’re almost there, we’ve decided we’re going to pack our bags and go home, we’re also feeling a little like we’re going to throw up, and sure that we can’t do it, but know that the prize at the end will be more than worth it.

Tune in for adventures from the front lines of an exhausted and determined midwifery student, and cheer me to the end, until those last sweet days.

I was reviewing all the events I’ll have in my last week of school in August with my partner this morning, and I cannot wait for that sweet weekend where I finally present my scholarly project, which has been a labor in itself, party my ass off with my favorite people who have loved and supported me through this insane process, celebrate the wedding of one of the sweetest couples I know, have a Blessing of the Hands ceremony with my classmates, and then, embark on an epic journey via bike to California with the most wonderful, supportive, partner a midwife could ask for.

So, dear friends, I invite you to join me for some hilarious, heart-wrenching, lovely, emotion-filled stories of a Midwife in Transition! Stay tuned!

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1 Response to The beginning of the end

  1. skbernstein says:

    Transition’s a cinch compared to pushing 😉 Just remember to keep your chin DOWN!
    Seriously, best of luck in these final weeks! Look forward to celebrating with you once it’s all over! (Then work starts – hopefully – which is way harder than school.)

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